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In Memoriam

Richard Hensby Sarah-Jayne Bass - ADHD support group co-founder

This site is dedicated to the memory of Sarah-Jayne Bass (formerly Caroline Hensby) who tragically passed away on 6th February 2010 aged just 47 and our son Richard Edward Hensby who also tragically passed away on 16th April 2019 at such a young age of 34.

Sarah-Jayne was the co-founder of adders.org and helped many hundreds of families since 1997 cope with all matters relating to ADHD and Special Needs. She was a very active member of the ADD/ADHD community in the United Kingdom, meeting government officials and campaigning for better rights for ADDers and their families.

Richard was the inspiration for us to start the local group Thanet ADDers and then ADDers.org after he was diagnosed with ADHD. Richard was so kind and loving and touched so many peoples lives that he will be sorely missed but now reunited with his Mum, whom he missed so much.


Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a proven neurological condition which is estimated to affect approximately 1% of children in the U.K. although figures in the U.S. are 3-5%.

The first behaviours are often found in early childhood, most children start to become recognised as having ADHD between the ages of 5 & 9 years. The condition continues throughout the school years and it is thought that 60% of children will carry some symptoms through to adulthood. More.....

ADDers.org Mission Statement

Our objective is to promote awareness to ADD, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and to provide information and as much free practical help as we can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children and their families. Based in the UK, we reach out to those with Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and related conditions both here and around the World via this website. Please explore this site using the navigation menu at the bottom of each page.