ADD/ADHD Social Stories
Nice Hands / Naughty Hands:
By Caroline
A story about Keeping Your Hands To Yourself: For Your Child's Name
My name is
use your child's name here
I am ** years old

We have 2 hands,

with 4 fingers

and 1 thumb on each hand.

Most times our hands will do good things like help with washing up,

or maybe helping to clean the car,

sometimes we might even use our hands to help with the cooking.

There are other times when our hands can do naughty things that are not nice and can make people sad.

such as punching or hitting someone,

or perhaps pinching one of our friends or family.

When our hands do naughty things like these, it can hurt our friends or family and sometimes make them cry.

Then we can get told off,

and our friends don't want to play with us.

So what we need to do is to make sure that our hands always do good things. Like help with washing up,

or maybe helping to clean the car,

or even helping with the cooking.

So we have to remember that our hands must be kept to ourselves.
Then everyone will be happy and our friends will still play with us.

And our family will be really happy with us.
Grey Olltwit Educational Software (maintainers of this website) have made a FREE Social Stories software program. It contains a number of Social Stories with illustrations, that can be read within the program or printed out. Each of the stories can be customised automatically by the program from information added in a simple profile for any number of children. It also contains a facility to easily add new stories. Click here for this FREE software.
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