ADD/ADHD Social Stories
Keeping My Room Tidy:
By Lisa
A story about Keeping My Room Tidy: For Your Child's Name
My name is
use your child's name here
I am ** years old

I am lucky, I have a nice bedroom.

I want my bedroom to stay looking nice/pretty.

I am allowed to play in my bedroom, but I must tidy up my mess/toys.

If there is paper on my floor, I must put it in my bin.

This will make mummy and daddy very happy.

I like to have nice clothes.

I must not take them out of my wardrobe.

Taking the clothes out of my wardrobe is the wrong thing to do, it makes mummy and daddy very cross, and it will ruin my clothes.

I want to look nice when I go out, so I must leave the clothes in the wardrobe until mummy or daddy gets them out for me.

To stay safe in my room, I must not touch the plug sockets or light switches, they can hurt me very bad.

When I am good in my room, mummy and daddy are very happy.
Grey Olltwit Educational Software (maintainers of this website) have made a FREE Social Stories software program. It contains a number of Social Stories with illustrations, that can be read within the program or printed out. Each of the stories can be customised automatically by the program from information added in a simple profile for any number of children. It also contains a facility to easily add new stories. Click here for this FREE software.
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