ADD/ADHD Social Stories
Playing With Friends
By Emma
A story about Playing with Friends For Your Child's Name
My name is
use your child's name here
I am
your child's age here years old.

I go to school.

I have friends at school.

Sometimes my friends like to play my favourite games.

Sometimes my friends dont want to play my favourite games.

This is because we all like to do different things.


I can get upset when this happens and fall out with my friends; this makes me very sad.

I will try to play their games more so that I will have somebody to play with.

This will help me because my friends will see that I am trying to share, and be a kind person.

This will make me happy and my friends and my teacher.
Grey Olltwit Educational Software (maintainers of this website) have made a FREE Social Stories software program. It contains a number of Social Stories with illustrations, that can be read within the program or printed out. Each of the stories can be customised automatically by the program from information added in a simple profile for any number of children. It also contains a facility to easily add new stories. Click here for this FREE software.
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