ADD/ADHD Social Stories
Getting Ready for School
By Caroline
A story on getting ready for school For Your Child's Name
My name is
use your child's name here
I am
your child's age here years old.

I don't like getting up to go to school,
but on some days I can get up and get ready just as my mum really likes me to do.

So first of all when mum wakes me up I get straight up.

Then I go downstairs and have my breakfast.

I sit at the table and put the cereal into my bowl and add the milk and sugar and then I eat it all up.

I also drink my juice.

Then I go upstairs again and get washed.

I brush my teeth.

And comb my hair.

Then I get dressed.

I then go downstairs and find my shoes and put them on

Then I put on my coat,

And pick up my back.

I then wait by the doorr until mum or dad open it.

Then I go straight to the car and wait till mum or dad open the car and then I get straight in and put on my seat belt.

When we get to school I go straight into the playgound without any fuss.

When the bell goes I go an give mum a kiss and go and line up with my class.

I then go into my classroom without any fuss and not getting upset.


My mum and dad are really proud of me.
Grey Olltwit Educational Software (maintainers of this website) have made a FREE Social Stories software program. It contains a number of Social Stories with illustrations, that can be read within the program or printed out. Each of the stories can be customised automatically by the program from information added in a simple profile for any number of children. It also contains a facility to easily add new stories. Click here for this FREE software.
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