ADD/ADHD Social Stories
By Lisa
A Story About Spiders For Your Child's Name
My name is
use your child's name here
I am
your child's age here years old.

There are lots of different insects in the world.


Spiders and flys are insects.


Insects are very small


and I am very big.

Spiders and flies are so small they cannot hurt me.
Spiders have 8 legs, a body, a head, mouth and eyes.

They have a spinaret so that they can make cobwebs.
They use their cobwebs to catch flies.

If I see a spider in the house, I can quietly tell mum or dad if I need too.

They know what to do about spiders.
Mum and dad might decide to leave the spider alone so that it can catch flies.

They might decide to put it in the garden.

These are good things to do for the spider.
Mum and dad know what is best and safe for me.
Grey Olltwit Educational Software (maintainers of this website) have made a FREE Social Stories software program. It contains a number of Social Stories with illustrations, that can be read within the program or printed out. Each of the stories can be customised automatically by the program from information added in a simple profile for any number of children. It also contains a facility to easily add new stories. Click here for this FREE software.
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