ADD/ADHD Resource Reviews Book Review

Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception by Thom Hartmann

An inside view of ADD, how the person thinks, works and functions in today's society. Thom portrays ADD in a positive rather than a negative light, which can be associated with a successful lifestyle and a high achievement.

Thom's view of ADD sufferers as hunters of old being thought of as out of place in today's society, which is geared to the farmers way of thinking, seeing the long-term picture and the organised approach.

This book points out the advantages of the hunters approach and gives ideas for the types of jobs more geared to the "hunter" i.e. sales person, always thinking of the next move.

Tom encourages all the positives to ADD and writes with profound knowledge and sensitivity on the subject to encourage those who are just beginning on their journey.

Sarah-Jayne Bass (formerly Caroline Hensby) -

For more information click here Thom Hartmann Site