Research study on genetic and environmental factors influencing Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in South Africa

Nadia Laubscher writes...
"PhD research study in Behavioural Genetics, University of the Free State, South Africa: We are currently conducting a research study on genetic and environmental factors influencing Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in South Africa. The study will consist of two parts. The first part entails the completion of a few quick questionnaires by family members of children with ADHD. The second part will consist of the gathering and analysis of DNA samples to look at specific genes possibly influencing ADHD. We only make use of saliva samples for DNA extraction and analysis, and thus no needles are involved. If genetic factors influencing ADHD in the South African population can be determined, this may lead to better diagnosis and treatment of the disorder.

At the moment we are busy recruiting participants for the first leg of the study, namely the completion of questionnaires by family members. If you are interested to participate, please contact Nadia Laubscher at, or Prof JJ Spies at"

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