October 31st 2000 - 23:30 GMT on 5 Live

of took part in a discussion today, 31st October 2000, on Nicky Campbell's, UK BBC's Radio Five Live chat show at 9.00 a.m. to discuss ADHD. Caroline was joined in the studio by Dr. Peter Wilson, director of Young Minds the child and adolescent mental health charity. Also joining the discussion from the Edinburgh studio, was Janice Hill from the Overload Network, who are opposed to the use of medication for ADHD.

The discussion was based around a number of callers split fairly evenly between pro and anti-medication, who gave accounts of their own experiences. A small sample of the show can be heard by clicking here (wav file 631KB) in which Caroline passionately expressed the views of many parents, when faced with the accusation that they take the easy option in the use of drugs to help their children.

Simon Hensby for