ADD/ADHD Natural Remedies

The following is excerpted from the website for SerenAid at

"Agape Nutrition would like to introduce SerenAid. A high quality peptidase enzyme which works on specific gluten and casein molecules*. These molecules are also known as caseomorphins and gluteomorphins, because of their opiate-like effects on the brain. Elimination of the opiate-like molecules from the bloodstream of those with ADHD, ADD, and Autism may help decrease the severity of these disorders."

Sue writes......

"There is a new site on the internet that sells SerenAid, called

My site offers free shipping and handling, which can provide a signicant savings to customers over competitors. You may verify with Klaire labs that I am an approved vendor of the product.

10% of the profits will go to a scholarship to send autistic children to a special summer camp. I would really appreciate it if you would consider including my site in your links for SerenAid!

My son uses it and I can personally attest to its effectiveness. A psychologist who recently began working with my son said that he is the highest functioning child in the autistic spectrum that she has ever seen. I am also selling a booklet at this site that I wrote to help the parents of young children who have just been diagnosed to help them quickly put together a comprehensive and effective intervention program."

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