"I represent a company called Quest IV HEALTH PRODUCTS. This company has a patented 100% natural nutritional product that eliminates the need for Medication in most ADD/ADHD cases. It has been used for the last 11 years in over 700 hospitals & clinics throughout the USA & it's name is RESTORES. It is now available to general public fo the very first time. We have over 11 years of Clinical/Medical Studies available."
John Furrow from New Brunswick, Canada, writes.......
"My son is ADHD and is on the Restores product and is doing fantastic,
our living hell is over and now life is good. He is now more focused and
is able to exhibit more control and his sleep paterns have improved.
My parents(who live 200 miles away) did not see him untill after he had
been on the Restores for 6 weeks. They were so amazed that they now take
it themselves to treat stress and improve sleep!
Neuro 911