Karen from the USA writes......
"My son was diagnosed with ADD in the 4th grade. He was always a good child but he just could not concentrate on anything for long. He understood his work and the answers came quick and were usually right, but to put them on paper was like a punishment. He would sit and stare at the paper trying to figure out a way to do it the quickest and it would take hours even though he knew the answer. It was very frustrating for all. My niece in the meantime (she's a twin) was diagnosed with severe ADD. She couldn't retain what she learned the day before let alone the year before in school. We were both urged to put them on medication and we felt uncomfortable with this. We were introduced to Achiever's Unlimited Inc. Vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, herbs etc... We gave it a try.
Not only did my son come off 3 steroid inhalers three times per day...he improved greatly in school. He has been able to concentrate better and get more work done faster in school and retained a high grade point average. My niece in the meantime improved to the point that the first year on the vitamins (cytobuddies) she was able to complete two years of school work in one year with a grade point average in the 90's. We are so pleased with these products and the results our children experienced we are passing the word to as many as possible. We realize what works for one may not be the answer for all...but I really believe it may be the answer for many. If you're interested you can pull up their website on the world wide web at www.achieversunltd.com and my distributor ID# is 60666420. We became distributors because my entire family takes several products per day and we have been healthier and are so excited with the results. If you feel this would be an option for you please contact me and let me know how I can help!