ADHD Europe - Creating awareness of ADHD - "The voice of Europeans with ADHD. We advocate on behalf of people with ADHD for their rights to have equal access to diagnosis and treatment, and serve as a platform for our member organisations to share information and collaborate on research to help the European community."
ADHD Australia Incorporated - "new ADHD group in Sydney Australia which has information about ad/hd combined ad/hd inattentive, comorbid complaints, treatment, alternative treatments, bipolar, aspergers. We also have a Latest Reserch page which we update each month."
Health Information - "This site was set up as a collaborative GP/Patient project and went live at the end of January this year. We have had over 50,000 hits to the front page. The site advertises nothing, sells nothing and gives no advice (it is a directory only)."
ADDact - ADD/ADHD SUPPORT GROUP for ADHD Support Group Canberra & Queanbeyan Inc.
ADHD Adults - ADHD Adults is a platform designed for tracking and monitoring the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults.
ADHD Adults will allow you to perform pharmacological monitoring, to plan your daily life activities, to measure treatment results and performance or to get a global status overview using our self-assessment questionnaires, as well a direct communication with your doctor.
Brain Resource - "ongoing development of an international database into brain function. A key objective of our efforts is to help determine which children should remain on medication for ADHD." - Australian adult support group site.
Verein für hyperaktive Kinder/ Linz
- Verein für hyperaktive Kinder/ Linz
- Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit/ Hyperaktivitaetsstoerungen - Arbeitsgruppe zur
Foerderung von Personen mit AD/HS und Teilleistungsschwaechen
l 'association TDA/H Belgique
- "Ce site est consacré à l'hyperactivité et troubles associés. C'est un site belge qui vous permettra je l'espère de trouver les renseignements que vous cherchez ou les réponses à vos questions"
Zit Stil
- 'Zit Stil', Heistraat, 321 B-2310 WILRIJK (Belgium) - a support-group for parents with ADHD/ADD children. The webpage is in Dutch. - Tudo sobre TDAH - Transtorno de Deficit de Atencao e Hiperatividade.
Mental Help probaby the most popular psychiatry and ADHD Website in Portuguese.
TDAH Brasileira A ABDA está fazendo o cadastro de médicos e psicólogos especializados em TDAH.
Universo TDAH "O indivíduo que tem TDAH, é inteligente, criativo e intuitivo mas não consegue realizar todo seu potencial em função do transtorno que tem 3 características principais: desatenção, impulsividade e hiperatividade (ou energia nervosa)."
Top 10 Advantages of Having ADD in a High Tech Career - "I have Attention Deficit Disorder (which I find is more of a surplus really). I coach adults with ADD, have an ADD resource website with over 100 pages of information, an ADD blog, and lead the Vancouver Adult ADD support group. So, I'm fairly familiar with ADD. I've been using Mac computers for 20 years, sold them for seven, and have spent thousands of hours on the net. So, I'm fairly familiar with the high tech world."
Does ADHD Really Exist - "Sample Response to a Person with a General Lack of Knowledge of ADD - Sample Response to a Person Who's Strongly Denying ADD Exists - Clinical Evidence of The Existence of ADD as a Real Condition" by Pete Quily - Adult ADD Coach.
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
- Support Group for Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario.
ADD-ADHD Support Cyprus ADD-ADHD Support began in 2000 when a group of three mothers, with children who had just been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), and one teacher coping with a challenging AD/HD child in her classroom, got together to offer each other emotional support.
Estonian Support Group - ADD/ADHD Support Group Estonia. Association for Adults with ADHD in Finland The Finnish Association for ADHD, ADD and MBD
Association HyperSupers - Thada France
- The website for the Association HyperSupers - Thada France Support Association.
ADS Forum
- German ADD Online Support Forum
Bundesverband Arbeitskreis überaktives Kind e.V..
- German ADD Website with loads of information and a very comprehensive Support Group list.
Special Education Greece - "Here you can find useful information with regard to the organisation and operation of our electronic magazine as well as be informed for the last developments on issues special education." There is a lot on here about ADHD as well - In our web page you will find a lot of articles for parents and children, as well as the forum of" There is a lot on here about ADHD as well
Sangath Centre for Child Development & Family Guidance - Sangath Centre for Child Development & Family Guidance.
ADD/ADHD - INDIA - A discussion group on ADHD in India.
- Website for the Kerry ADD/ADHD Support Group, Republic Of Ireland.
The Child Development Centre
- The Child Development Centre Galway. Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Psychology. Specialists in Sensory Integration.
Quiet-ADD - "Is a support e-group for ADDers who are diagnosed with ADD but not hyperactive. This group focuses only in ADD without."
ADHD Adults - "a support forum for adults with ADHD in Hebrew."
AIFA onlus - "Dedicato a chi come noi ha un bambino ADHD e nella solitudine e nella sofferenza che li avvolge possa trovare qui un motivo di speranza...L'Associazione Italiana Famiglie ADHD"
NPO Edison Club - Major Support Group for Japan, "We also sell books regarding ADHD. Moreover, we do counseling,
consultation, lectures, monthly meeting with clients and so forth.
For further information, people should fax/mail us" Contact details on our Support Group page for Japan
ftf Tokyo - Hunter Brumfit in Tokyo gives details about Dr G Kewleys book for ADHD. Also information about ADHD Support and doing their utmost to provide a service for the locals (Japanese and ex-pats) as well.
Kits4Kids Foundation Malaysia - Kits4Kids Foundation Malaysia started as a private school to assist children with disabilities and disorders. It now operates private centres in major cities in Malaysia. It provides a stimulating and conductive environment for children between 18 months to 18 years old, catering to their individual development and growth.
My Lighthouse - Edmund Hunt is the centre manager for the intellectually challenged in PJ. Called, My Lighthouse, Krista Centre for Special Children, 63 Jalan Templer, Sect.6, (near Assunta Hospital), 46000, Petaling Jaya.
Neurofeedback-Balanstraining - "Balanstraining biedt Neurofeedback-trainingen aan in Wageningen. Neurofeedback helpt bij ADHD, stress, burn-out en depressie."
- "Balans is de landelijke vereniging voor ontwikkelings-, gedrags- en leerproblemen (waaronder ADHD en Dyslexie). Balans is er voor ouders en voor jongeren/volwassenen. Ouders van kinderen met een ontwikkelings-, gedrags- of leerprobleem. Jongeren of volwassenen die zelf met zo'n probleem te kampen hebben."
ADHD bij volwassenen - De site van dr. Sandra Kooij
- Sandra Kooij is Dutch most recommended psychatrist for Adult ADHD.
- Website for the Learning & Behaviour Charitable Trust NZ providing information & support for ADHD/Dyslexia.
- was created with the intention of being a "sign post". We point people in the right direction when they are looking for help.
Polish Support Group ADD-ADHD Support in Polish.
Impreuna - spre o societate pentru toti - "Societatea Româna Speranta este membra a Ligii Nationale a Asociatiilor pentru Sprijinirea Persoanelor cu Handicap Mental din România, a Federatiei Organizatiilor Umanitare, a RENINCO, a Inclusion International" including ADHD.
SPARK Create public awareness of Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Help children with ADD/ADHD and their parents and families cope with the disorder; Promote understanding and research on ADD/ADHD; Give support to ADD/ADHD adults.
Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con
- Spanish Support Group
Andy's information page about ADHD - with her own experiences and views on this syndrome."