Michael Jackson had incredible musical talent and amazing body language. Both of these talents stem from the right brain. He is alleged to have had a lot of bad debt money wise and a drug problem. The former suggests he had ADHD the latter a complication of neglected ADHD. With the tendency to childish impulsiveness immaturity and doing without thinking clearly suggests an immature left brain.
This was clearly demonstrated with the hanging the child out of the window! I suspect he did not do well at school which would also fit ADHD. Disaster with the police on more than one occasion certainly was reported. The child in the window and the alleged pedophile cases are examples. Thus with right brain dominance and left brain immaturity there is also a tendency to be left handed, which he was! Michael married and divorced twice. This is yet an other typical ADHD complication.
His father Joseph was also musically talented but aggressive, thus almost certainly also had undiagnosed ADHD which is inherited. It is easy to see where Michael inherited his problems and his talent from.
However Michael was more ADD which is quite, reserved and introverted with low self esteem and depressed due to neglected ADD. His father probably had ADHD an aggressive, hasty, violent and dominating tempermental extrovert.
Michael was given sedative medication incorrectly which would make ADD and his depression worse. His depression would cause insomnia, which he also had! The most severe complication of neglected ADHD is "DEATH" from an overdose of drugs which tragically happen due to medical abuse.
Why was he never diagnosed with ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER, a condition which is easily diagnosed and just as easily and successfully treated. He had almost all the signs and symptoms of this condition. There is an official ADHD awareness day in the USA to make people more of this important medical neurological inherited condition that presents with right brain talent and left brain immaturity. It presents as either a behavior problem (ADHD) or a learning problem (ADD) or different degrees of both. UCLA have actually researched this and published their conclusions agreeing about this recently. Mozart the gifted pianist almost certainly also had it.
A gifted talent wasted and lost! I hope his doctor is found guilty of neglect, ignorance and homicide and pays the justified, imposed penalty.
Dr.W.J. Levin, March 2010