experience and found that there were many on different social
media platforms.
However, not one that practically transforms your life and as the
key doctor in the field says, ‘the meds don’t work on their own’ Dr
Russell Barkly, therefore Sue knew that it was time to take charge
and set up a new online support group.
Therefore, ‘Celebrating and taking charge of ADHD’ was launched
during the lockdown with a vision to raise awareness of what ADHD
actually is and how to reduce the symptoms in order to fulfil your
dreams. If you are not sure about what ADHD, you can book a
session to understand it or book a free 20 mins discovery call with
Sue online. It really is about awareness and as Deepak Chopra says
‘Once you are aware of something, you can change it, the question
is do you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the
future?’. Lockdown is an ideal opportunity to focus and go inside
to get present to how
your mind works.
Thankfully technology
allows us to meet online
and connect with others.
There is a meetup group
that is held every
Wednesday at 6pm for
one hour where people can meet others, share experiences and get
involved to do the work to change their life for the better. Each
session currently costs £10 to join and it is possible to join the